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a poison free desert

SJTW Founder

Navah Raphael


Navah's deep love and connection to all animals has fueled her life in service to them.


In 2007 Navah's passion for animal welfare inspired her to volunteer and collect signatures for Proposition 2 submitted to The Secretary of State in California as the Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act which passed and was amended to be known as The Standards for Confining Animals. 


Navah's love for animal rescue and adoration of cats led her to Sante D'Or cat rescue in Los Feliz, CA where she discovered her gifts as an animal communicator and energy healer. For the 10 years she volunteered she assisted countless rescue cats, bunnies and dogs.


Navah received her Certification as a Reiki Practitioner in 2015 and assists guardians and their pets with animal communication and energy healing sessions. She cherishes working with senior animals and animals in transition.


Navah's devotion to the wildlife deepened in her 20 plus years of experiencing Joshua Tree, which she calls her second home; specifically the Joshua Tree Highlands.

After witnessing a white-tailed antelope squirrel exit a poison bait box at a short-

term rental in 2021, Navah knew that the wildlife needed help. She made it her mission to help educate and bring awareness to those using poison and support the local wildlife.


Navah is also an actress, writer and artist.



















The White-Tailed Antelope Squirrel - SJTW's inspiration.

When you take time to witness the beauty of the animal before you with curiosity and an open heart, they truly will reflect their true essence. This one's got personality!

November 2022

Save Joshua Tree Wildlife

Save Joshua Tree Wildlife is an environmentally conscious grassroots organization whose purpose is to create a poison free desert including a poison free zone throughout all natural wildlife habitat areas surrounding Joshua Tree National Park.  Save Joshua Tree Wildlife supports the wildlife so they may thrive, raise their young, have safe places to reside and protect them from local extinction.  Save Joshua Tree Wildlife educates on humane practices for rodent control and has a Certification Program that offers Certified Humane Badges to short term rentals that are poison and pesticide free. 

In Dedication

This website and organization is dedicated to the wildlife. To those who fought to survive and lost their lives to rodenticide.


You have been heard.


Your call has been answered.


Help is on the way.


In love and service,



Save Joshua Tree Wildlife



Keeping families of the desert together

Coyote - March 2022

A coyote at a new construction site - Joshua Tree Highlands

Endangered species - The desert tortoise (Baby)

August 27, 2023

Always check under your vehicle prior to getting into your car to leave. The desert tortoise take breaks from the sun and commonly takes shelter under cars. In this video a baby tortoise exits from under a vehicle.  The baby wandered the grounds before returning back into the natural terrain. Always take caution when driving roads by the park, the desert tortoise often gets hit by vehicles, contributing to their decline.


This baby tortoise is a beautiful delight to see!

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